Day 5 of 5 – Altiyan Childs Deep Dive – Freemasonry and Satanism control the world. DID YOU KNOW?
Today concludes my 5-day deep dive into unveiling and understanding the aims of the secret society and religion that controls everything.
In his epic 5 1/2 hour video presentation, Altiyan Childs exposes the world’s oldest secret society and fraternity, which is in control of all the levers of power in the world; including politics, entertainment, society, and even world religions.
Altiyan has graciously given me his permission via email to use his material in creating my own presentation, with the goal of helping get his message out to more people.
Join me for the entire 5-episode deep dive. We are talking about the material for at least as long as the material itself. So that’s about 11 hours in this deep dive, and every minute is revealing. Ready? Set? GO!
Day 1 – Hand signs and Freemasonry
Day 2 – Hand signs and Satanism / Freemasonry
Day 3 – Sex and Ritual Blood Sacrifice plus the art and craft of Magicks (Witchcraft) in Satanism and Freemasonry
Day 4 – The New World Order and the Coming of the New (Satanic) Age according to published works by 33rd degree Freemasons
Day 5 – The conclusion. There is a reason why the Satanists hate Jesus Christ. Think about it. They have all the power. What power do Christians have in the world? None. So the Luciferians have won, then why do they so hate Christianity, and Jesus? It makes no sense. Not unless Jesus is real, and God’s Word is Truth.
Day 6 – Bonus Day. Review of the Freemasonry Deep Dive and a debut performance of my new song “Hand Signs” inspired by the documentary work of Altiyan Childs exposing the hand signs of the Freemasons and Luciferians.