A new study was published in JAMA Pediatrics showing the younger the child, the more dangerous the mask. Study found extremely high levels of carbon dioxide by everyone who wears masks, and the younger the person, the worse the danger.
Also, a look at the Saspirilla campaign (see yesterday’s show for the rolling out of this new word and what it means) in multiple contexts including safety, censorship, the depopulation angle, and the consequences of making a bad choice to be part of a medical experiment.
Then, a mini deep dive into the China threat, including a warning from Japan’s Defense Minister that the USA is vulnerable to an impending surprise attack by combined forces of China and Russia (the two largest Communist countries in the world).
Finally, we turn to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and why “even as a Jew and a practicing Yogi” it’s important to recognize there is a war on God happening, and everyone needs to choose sides and make preparations, through believing in Jesus, for the salvation of our eternal soul.